
E book marketing & promotion

The absolute best methods for promoting your own e bookAfter you are done creating your e book, you want to market it by putting it in front of many people as possible.You could go on twitter and tweet every hour or so that you just wrote an e book and leave Android Phones a small URL, but if you did that it would look like you were purposely trying to promote your book and many will unfollow you, becuase people dont like beign sold to.The best way to do it is by answering questions regarding whatever your book is about so going to forums and answering questions while posting your site in your sig box is the best way for people to check out your book. As long as you are being informative people will want to know more about what you have to say. Just remember when on forums people go there to find real info don't make Motorcycle Helmet it look like your are promoting yourself too much. You can also do the same thing using twitter by answering people's questions and putting your links in your profile.Another good way of promoting is through blogs, because they are free and rank high in search engines. When writing blogs it is a good way of people getting to know you better and also interest people in going to your page for your e book just post your link to your sales page.You can also create an adwords campaign and put a link to your sales page for your signature so when anybody opens up your email will see you link to your sales page. There is an endless amount of different types of methods you can use to go and promote your e book shorly there will probably be even more moethods to promote than ther are now, Just follow these tips and you will do fine.

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