
Corporate Gifts A Boon or a Bane

What is it that every marketer dreams of everyday? Well, it is not very difficult to make a guess, all marketers aim to have a steadily increasing growth rate for the products and services that they are supposed to promote using promotional products. In the real world, the marketers face many difficulties in getting the message of their product’s positive attributes to the target market segments. This is Nail Polish where the product promotions gain an importance in a marketer’s scheme of things. Corporate gifts represent an easy way to stay connected to your customers by being a part of their daily lives without anyone noticing them. It is like an ad which is being viewed all the time but no one minds it as it is not obstructing their normal activities or does not demand attention from them. The best part is that there are no restrictions either from the external stakeholders or on the budgetary front on using a well thought out promotion plan that aims to give away promotional gifts in a pre-agreed manner. This approach toward promotions is commonly known as the ‘milestone approach’ as the promotional items are given out as the entities achieve a particular milestone in the sales cycle. There is also an inbuilt system of accountability in such promotion car led lights schemes and the audit controls are easy to adhere to as the promotional gifts are given out only on the successful completion of specific targets. A live salesperson is a complex entity and cannot be likened to an inanimate business model. He or she also cannot be expected to perform at peak levels all the time. Given such a situation, how do you as a sales specialist increase the sales of your company’s products? The answer lies in setting out an interesting program of giving out corporate gifts. These gifts can be given to outstanding performers as an added bonus for their exemplary performance.Now the question that will arise is whether you should reward all the sales efforts that are taken by your saleswomen and men in the same manner. For example, if a salesperson selling ten units of a particular product is given the same reward as another salesperson selling five or six units, where is the incentive for selling more? This question can be effectively answered by introducing a catalog of corporate gifts that can be redeemed at the end of a particular sales period with the value of the promotional items or corporate gifts increasing with the increase in the value of the sales. This new model of giving away promotional gifts to performers is fast gaining acceptance in all the developed markets. It is in these markets that companies and their sales personnel face an increased pressure in selling their products and services in a fragmented market. The product promotions and the promotional items that are given out during the promotion period must match the expectations of the customers if the company has to have a reasonably successful promotion campaign.

