
Styling You Silk Scarf

Remember when you were younger and you saw the commercials that displayed some new unthinkable toy or putty or jewelry and you wanted it, but your mother always told you no. And if you think about it, it wasn’t always because it was expensive or unnecessary but because it was more than likely something you can do yourself. Products like bedazzle or other infomercials that showed a way to style your jeans or any garment could be easily done yourself. You can purchase a simple rhinestone kit or any jeweled angry bird kit for that matter and decorate and design your garments in your own way. Most people would design and focus solely on their jeans, skirts and shorts but one garment that you could jazz up is a sensual silk scarf. If ever you were to purchase a printed silk painted scarf or even fabric that can be used as a scarf you can easily style it up with a few rhinestones and marker. This doesn’t only attract the creative mind but simple styles can be achieved for those who haven’t the talent or the steady hand to draw. Not all of us are gifted in this manner. To make things simple on yourself in styling, yet still adding flare and a sheik look purchase a angry bird printed scarf preferably one with a design. You can purchase a rhinestone set almost anywhere such as Michaels, Jo Anne, Target, Wal-Mart, K mart or any store that has an arts and crafts store. Sometimes they can have multiple colors or the simple clear rhinestones. You can also purchase miniature beads for decorating you scarf that also comes in decorative colors. Another set to purchase is shimmer which comes in rectangular tubs in any of the above locations. Although there are numerous other accessories to use these can be the simplest for those who have no experience in designing silk scarves, shawls or shirts.On one garment you can add shimmer; just a small dash. Some shimmer can be adhesive while others would require you to place down a thin layer of clear glue. You can outline the design on the scarf in small parts or you can fill in the design depending on your preference. You can also use the rhinestones to outline or fill in a design to create more glam as well as the beads on your silk shawl or scarf. Your silk scarf can be sensual and seductive and have a bit more of you apart of it. Be sure to take precaution and take your time in adding either beads or rhinestones or shimmer, although you don’t need experience it’s very easy to get the glue in a different place other than where it should be. Silk scarves are very delicate be sure not to rub the glue in too roughly so not to damage it as well. Just by outlining and filling in certain parts of your scarf you can create a glamorous item or make something out of fabric that you’ve had sitting your Air Swimmers closet for years. If you don’t know where to begin visit womenclothingtoday.com, to view some of their elegant scarves.

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